Is there Psychology in Handbell Ringing?

This article written by Josh Fitzgerald, Area 9 Secretary I recently attended a week-long course related to my small (non-music) business. The course was designed to teach all areas of a single content; but of course, in reality, the lessons required further...

Travel. Handbells. Love.

This article written by Linda Rutherford, Area 9 Treasurer Several years ago I read an article about volunteering abroad. Since I love to travel, I thought it would be an interesting way to see and interact in the local area. I inquired about the possibility of...

College Ring-In Experience – Wyatt Snyder

This article was written by Wyatt Snyder, 2017 College Ring-In Scholarship Recipient. I had an incredible experience at College Ring-In. Many factors contributed to my adventure – working under Michael Joy as our conductor, meeting other ringers from around the...

College Ring-In Experience – Dlaine Miley

This article was written by Dlaine Miley, 2017 College Ring-In Scholarship Recipient. Handbells have been a part of my life as long as I can remember, from kids choir at church all the way to college and the Baylor Bronze. Rehearsals and performances have been a...