Ruth SeiwellThis note written by Ruth Seiwell, Area 9 Chair

There are a few things that break my heart in life. There is often not much that I can do to help many heartbreaking things! However, I can be a cheerleader in the handbell community and try to make one of the heartbreakers better.

One heartbreak I have is hearing that a handbell ringer or ensemble has never had a ringing experience except in the church, school, or a local choir. There are so many ringing events to attend! Some are local or in a nearby city while others might be across the state or in a another part of Area 9. There are even national events held all over in the United States while others are international events held all over the world.

Attending handbell festivals or classes is such a joy and reward, and I want everyone to have this experience. Why attend you ask?

1. You get to meet and make friends with other handbell ringers
2. You have the opportunity to learn and ring under a different director – they’re all so different
3. You can learn, learn, learn. Many festivals or events have classes you can attend. Even if there are no classes, you learn new things from the director or from other ringers!