Andrew DuganThis article written by Andrew Dugan, Area 9 Membership

A rare and beautiful thing happened in the early part of May. A young boy let out a “WOW!” at the end of the Boston Handel & Haydn Society’s performance of Mozart’s Masonic Funeral Music. It went viral to identify the young music lover. A couple of days later they found nine-year-old Ronan Mattin, a young man that had attended the concert with his grandfather. The incredible music moved him so much he could not contain his exuberance.

When was the last time we had out “WOW” moment? Maybe it was not as vocal as Ronan’s, but the effect is the same. It may be that hushed moment after the damp as the music is absorbed into the soul. It could be the round of thunderous applause after a rousing barn-burner. But music is soul-stirring and inspiring.

We work so hard on notes and rhythms, but sometimes we forget the audience that is listening to our hard work. We must remember music is more than notes and rhythms on a page. It is a living breathing entity that takes our time and talent to stir within us the passion and desire to share with others. We should be striving for the “WOW” moment every time we are making music.

I hope, during your downtime, you take time to reflect on the past season and look for the moments that were awe-inspiring and genuinely musical. I also hope you find ways in the quickly approaching season to find new ways to create more “WOW moments.