Why Do We Ring?

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair It seems like the right season to be asking this, as we are in the midst of holiday preparations, parties, activities, and other good cheer. Why ring and add to the busyness of the season? Take a moment to pause and...


Originally published by Barbara Meinke, Area 12 Communications Director, in the The Twelfth Tone [Editor’s Note: Please note that portions of this article have been updated to reflect the contacts of Area 9 instead of Area 12. Those portions have been reflected...

Out of the Box

This article written by Amy Haller, Area 9 Texas Representative (South) As I sit staring at a blank page, I keep hearing the phrase “out of the box” in my head. Writing is most definitely “out of the box” for me. There is a reason that I did math and science in...

Handbells – It’s a Family Affair

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair-Elect While ringing or directing handbells for over 35 years, I have discovered the joy of the “Handbell Family” – that group of ringers in the ensemble that you work with, laugh with, share with, and experience the...