Why Do We Ring?

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair It seems like the right season to be asking this, as we are in the midst of holiday preparations, parties, activities, and other good cheer. Why ring and add to the busyness of the season? Take a moment to pause and...

Wow Moments

This article written by Andrew Dugan, Area 9 Membership A rare and beautiful thing happened in the early part of May. A young boy let out a “WOW!” at the end of the Boston Handel & Haydn Society’s performance of Mozart’s Masonic Funeral Music. It went viral to...

Passionate & Radical…About Handbells?!?!

This article written by Dellinda Ebeling, Area 9 Chair-Elect You meet someone new, the small talk begins, and you’re asked that question…”So what do you do for fun?” And maybe one of your first answers is, “I ring handbells.” That now familiar moment of silence...

We’re All in this Together

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair The church where I serve recently welcomed a new pastor. To get to know the church and its ministries/activities, and then to help cast a vision for the future, the pastor led several small groups through an...

I’m Listening

This article written by Josh Fitzgerald, Area 9 Secretary I think everyone reading this article would agree that music has a profound impact on their life. For some, the love and study of music have developed into a full or part-time vocation and one of life’s major...