This article written by Laura Hyatt of Trinity Episcopal Church. Trinity Episcopal was a grateful recipient of the chime loan program for the 2016-17 school year. The chimes were used by the 4th-8th grade school choir and 5th-6th grade general music classes. The...
Thanks to you – our members – for spreading the work, Area 9 has loaned both of the three-octave sets of handchimes to educational organizations for the 2017-2018 school year! Jill Weyer, an experienced Texas-educator, has received one set of chimes for her program at...
Progressive Ring is a new and different kind of one-day workshop. Your day will start with a review of handbell techniques. You will gradually progress through more difficult concepts like triplets and syncopation. Your day will culminate with a surprise challenge....
This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair-Elect While ringing or directing handbells for over 35 years, I have discovered the joy of the “Handbell Family” – that group of ringers in the ensemble that you work with, laugh with, share with, and experience the...
This article written by Josh Fitzgerald, Area 9 Secretary I recently attended a week-long course related to my small (non-music) business. The course was designed to teach all areas of a single content; but of course, in reality, the lessons required further...