Passionate & Radical…About Handbells?!?!

This article written by Dellinda Ebeling, Area 9 Chair-Elect You meet someone new, the small talk begins, and you’re asked that question…”So what do you do for fun?” And maybe one of your first answers is, “I ring handbells.” That now familiar moment of silence...

Time to Write My “Christmas Letter”

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair As December rolls around, I find myself in the midst of concerts, worship services, and events celebrating the season. I also find myself frantically trying to write that yearly “Christmas Letter” to send to friends...

You Can Do It!

This article written by Jill Fite, Area 9 Education Chair My perspective is one of smallness. I live in a small town and attend a small church with a small membership from which to draw ringers. If you are in this situation, take heart. It is still possible to have a...