Overseas to Oklahoma

This article written by Jill Fite, Area 9 Education Chair When our pastor and his wife volunteered to host two foreign exchange students last fall, I had no idea what kind of positive impact they would have on our handbell choir. Our pastor’s wife is a new ringer,...

Handbells – It’s a Family Affair

This article written by Patty Highland, Area 9 Chair-Elect While ringing or directing handbells for over 35 years, I have discovered the joy of the “Handbell Family” – that group of ringers in the ensemble that you work with, laugh with, share with, and experience the...

College Ring-In Experience – Dlaine Miley

This article was written by Dlaine Miley, 2017 College Ring-In Scholarship Recipient. Handbells have been a part of my life as long as I can remember, from kids choir at church all the way to college and the Baylor Bronze. Rehearsals and performances have been a...

From the Beginning

This article was written by Stevie Berryman, Artistic Director of Houston Chamber Ringers Let’s start at the beginning. For the last few centuries, the very first toy given to an infant has been: a rattle. Or, as I like to call it, a pre-bell. From the time we can...